
全美「最辣王老五」- 馬里奧路柏斯

《People》日前在網上率先公佈「最辣王老五」選舉部份入選名單,獲選首位的是現年34歲的Mario Lopez。Mario早年主演電視劇《Saved by the Bell 》廣為人知,近年憑參加「美國版舞動奇蹟」《Dancing With The Stars》,及主持娛樂節目《Extra》上位。《People》指Mario最令女性迷戀的地方,是他正面的形象及一身健碩肌肉,雜誌今期更找Mario模仿多年前麥克華堡(Mark Wahlberg)為Calvin Klein所拍的內褲廣告相,大晒身材。

《Saved by the Bell》是我在加拿大留學期間其中一套經常追看的sit-com,其實故事噢畸無聊,主要是圍繞一班中學生活出發,男主角叫Zack (Mark-Paul Harry Gosselaar飾),而Mario Lopez 就飾演他的死黨Slater。當時我已經覺得Mario勁卡娃伊,帥過男主角多多聲,追看劇集都全因為有他的出現喔。隨著劇集於93年結束,Mario的事業亦走向低潮,90年末開始進軍司儀界反而有點成績,曾任司儀的大騷包括:環球小姐、美國小姐及美國青春小姐等等。04年Mario與前美國小姐Ali Landry結婚,但這段婚姻只維持了兩個星期便宣告玩完(annulled),勁戲劇化,而自此之後就有不少關於他的性取向傳聞。

嘩.. 駛唔駛無咁大兜先?

《Saved by the Bell》片頭

其他入選電視男星包括MTV真人騷《The Hills》男主角Brody Jenner及Frankie Delgado、喜劇節 目《The Saturday Night Live》諧星Andy Samberg、節目編劇Akiva Schaffer,以及劇集《The Gossip Girl》三位嫩口型男Penn Badgley、Chace Crawford及Ed Westwick。《戰狼300》大隻佬 謝拉畢拿及《鐵甲奇俠》(Iron Man)黑人男星泰倫斯侯活 (Terrence Howard) 則代表影界入 選。樂壇人物方面,有Maroon 5樂隊主音Adam Levine、Poison主音Bret Michaels等,至於全球 排名第八的美國網球名將比歷克也榜上有名。

今年名單特別之處,是有兩位明星的家人入選。先有Britney Spears 31歲的哥哥Bryan,他任職 電視及電影監製,並享受退居幕後,他說︰「我可以去任何派對,但又可以避開狗仔隊的注意。」另一位則是性感女星施嘉莉祖安遜(Scarlett Johansson)的孖生弟弟Hunter,他表示施嘉 莉是其愛情顧問︰「她告訴我女生的想法,我有難題便會致電給她,施嘉莉也會介紹女孩子給我 認識。」不過Hunter並非圈中人,他現時正幫與其姊過從甚密的總統候選人奧巴馬(Barack Obama)助選。

‧Mario Lopez (演員):34歲
‧Ed Westwick(演員):20歲
‧Penn Badgley(演員):21歲
‧Chace Crawford(演員):22歲
‧Brody Jenner(名人):24 歲
‧Frankie Delgado(名人):27歲
‧Adam Levine(歌手):29 歲
‧David Cook(歌手):25歲
‧Bret Michaels(歌手):45歲
‧Hunter Johansson(施嘉莉孖生細佬、助選人員):23歲
‧Bryan Spears(Britney哥哥、監製):31歲
‧Akiva Schaffer(編劇):30歲
‧Andy Samberg(諧星):29歲


Anonymous said...

On my, only 1 man on the list is older than I am. No wonder I am so not wanted....Anyway, you must wake up so early on Sat morning to catch "Save by the Bell". In the States, it was showed on like 10am Sat morning, which I could never get up to catch as Friday was the night to hit the bars till wee hours...

TT said...

呢套劇都係我去加拿大讀書第一套會追下既劇, 通常放學返屋企就睇到! 我仲記得有一集佢地唔知點解有一晚潛入左一間時裝店, 成班響櫥窗討論下一步點做, 但一有途人經過佢地就要定哂扮人形公仔, 勁好笑!!

shangri_la said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
shangri_la said...

Fun said...
> 04年Mario與前美國小姐Ali Landry結婚,
> 但這段婚姻只維持了兩個星期便宣告玩完
> (annulled),勁戲劇化,而自此之後就有不
> 少關於他的性取向傳聞。

The version I heard is slightly different. It was wildly reported that Ali Landry annulled her marriage to Mario López because she caught him cheating on her with an (female) exotic dancer DURING their honeymoon. Since then the rumours of his womanizing way have always be the fodder of many tabloid stories.

The speculation on his sexuality happened before his marriage, when he starred as the very *out* Greg Louganis in the TV autobiography movie "Breaking the Surface: The Greg Louganis Story". For any gay followers of La López , the movie is not to be missed

naruto said...


Agnes Tse said...


Fun said...

to Anonymous,
yes i did watch almost every sat morning and also the re-run too hehe~ but since i entered college, i almost hang out every fri nite juz like u so no more Saved by the bell on sat morning :)

to TT,

to shangri-la,
thx ur info~!

to naruto,

to agnes,
哈哈.. 似喬寶寶..如果喬寶寶有mario咁大隻都不妨睇下既~

阿寶 Francis said...

哦!!! 原來係佢~!! 你一提環姐, 我就記得啦~!!!! 好大隻呀!!! wowow!!