
熱戲推介 - Hairspray (戀愛大爆髮)


對於睇慣荷里活電影的觀眾對New Line Cinema都應該有相當印象,大片如『魔戒三部曲』、『The Austin Power』系列、『猛鬼街』系列、『火拼時速』系列、『忍者龜』及『死神來了』系列等都是它們的省招牌作。而07年更是該公司成立40周年紀念,所以今年推出的電影亦會特別多,昨日的presentation中,來自美國公司的高層就預告了到12月為止會推出的猛片。(註:這次presentation的保安很嚴密,所有相機/電話都不能帶進場)

1. Shoot 'Em Up (美國上映日期9月7日)
導演 - Michael Davis
主演 - Clive Owen + Monica Bellucci
故事 - 神秘人Mr. Smith (Clive Owen飾)與拍檔Dairy Queen (Monica Bellucci飾),合力對抗大奸狗,Clive Owen個造型好英雄本色。

2. Mr. Woodcock (美國上映日期9月14日):
導演 - Craig Gillespie
主演 - Billy Bob Thornton + Susan Sarandon + Seann William Scott
故事 - John (Seann William Scott飾)童年時常被狂躁體育老師折騰而留下陰影,長大後成為出色作家的他因故鄉要頒他一個成就獎而回家,誰知其母(Susan Sarandon飾)的熱戀男朋友正是那位體育老師(Billy Bob Thornton飾),於是搞出笑話一籮籮。

3. Rendition (美國上映日期10月19日):
導演 - Gavin Hood (來自南非,曾憑Tsotsi奪得05年奧斯卡最佳外語片)
主演 - Jake Gyllenhaal + Reese Witherspoon + Meryl Streep + Alan Arkin
故事 - Reese Witherspoon所飾演的家庭主婦,其埃及裔老公由南非飛返美國的時候被拘捕,CIA調查員(Jake Gyllenhaal飾)奉命追查背後陰謀論。典型緊張懸疑鬥智鬥力電影。

4. The Golden Compass (香港上映日期12月):
導演 - Chris Weitz (曾執導About a Boy及American Pie)
主演 - Nicole Kidman + Daniel Craig(新世代007)
故事 - 改編自一部英國同名小說,故事關於一個12歲少女Lyra的奇幻歷險,大量疑幻疑真的CG再加型男索女,相信大人細路都啱睇,亦應該是今年壓軸焦點。預告片內的Nicole Kidman真是靚 + 美艷x100000000。


導演 - Adam Shankman
主演 - John Travolta + Michelle Pfeiffer + Christopher Walken + James Marsden + Queen Latifah + Nikki Blonsky
故事 - 改篇自百老匯歌舞劇,早於88年已被拍成電影,而07年版本更找來多位勁人演出。故事講述62年的美國城市Baltimore有一超受年青人歡迎音樂節目Corny Collin Show,主持Corny Collin (James Marsden飾)又靚仔又能歌善舞,是少女們的白馬王子。少女Tracy (Nikki Blonsky飾),雖然生得又肥又矮,但甚有演藝潛質,終日夢想有機會加入這個皇牌節目。一日Tracy得知節目招募團員,於是立心報名,雖然受到母親(John Travolta飾)反對但另一邊箱卻得到父親舉腳支持,最後Tracy在誤打誤撞下加入了Corny Collin Show並迅速走紅。雖然成為節目台柱,但卻受到電視台經理Tussle (Michelle Pfeiffer飾)多番留難,原因她想耍手段力捧自己的愛女Amber,最後當然是連累好多人又搞到滿城風雨..

Hairspray必定是我近年看得最開心的一部電影,又頭到尾我都是“依”起棚牙,笑住看!整部戲拍得相當緊湊、歌舞連場、佈景精美、又無特別拖長某些情節,包唔會恰眼瞓。而參與的演員亦很出色,女主角Nikii Blonsky其貌不揚,甚至乎有點欣宜feel,但整體表現實在搶眼,唱跳俱佳,實是加大碼Britney Spears。而John Travolta反串做一個結婚之後10幾年未出過屋企門口的plus size阿媽又是一絕。至於Michelle Pfeiffer則風采再現,飾演美艷奸角非常討好,戲中她又唱又跳又拋媚眼,勁過細契,她的演出猛然令我想起她當年是Grease II的女主角啊。在X-Men中扮演“雷射眼”的James Marsden,在戲中收起頹廢look,“立”靚個頭,剃乾淨鬚化身螢幕師哥亦很悅目。最後不得不提的是黑人巨肺Queen Latifah,雖然戲中表現不多,但一開口即聲壓全場,一派diva風範。




Donald Kwan said...

我睇片段是都覺有點油脂feel, 也忘記了michelle pfeiffer是油脂2的女主角...

"又頭到尾我都是“依”棚牙,笑住看"..."Michelle Pfeiffer則風采再現,飾演美艷奸角非常討好,戲中她又唱又跳又拋媚眼,勁過細契"....都已經攪到我好想睇添...

Anonymous said...

Have you seen the 1988 version directed by cult director John Waters with Divine (the 300lb draq legend) as Edna, Sunny Bono (Cher's ex-husband)as the father, Ricki Lake as Nikki and Debbie Harry as Velma? It was hiliarious as hell and, though more commericalized than other movies by John Walters, one of my favourites. John Waters is from Baltimore and the movie is a nostalgic look of the City in the 60s. Divine's performance was instant classic and Ricki Lake's performance put her career on a bright start. I have not seen the 2007 version yet but am looking forward to it. Just wondering how Hollywood would polish the rough edges from the original. But John Travolta's Edna alone is a good enough reason to watch. Definitely the feel good movie of the summer.

naruto said...

睇Hairspray片頭,見到John Travolta 扮相好核突,自己就打個突,肥妹+歌舞故事對我嚟講唔係咁吸引,唯一攞分係Michelle Pfeiffer。

Anonymous said...

Sonny Bono actually played the rival girl's dad in the 1988 version. Jerry Stiller (Ben Stiller's dad) played Tracy's dad in the 1988 version. John Travolta looks terrible in this nwe version. He looks like......John Travolta in (bad) drag where as Divine actually looked good as a housewife in the original.

Anonymous said...

I also watched the perview screening of "Hairspray", it's a nice movie and if you are interested in musical, you will like it a lot. I'm very happy for Michelle Pfeiffer's comeback, she looks so radiant!:D

Anonymous said...
